Monday, September 21, 2015

Nataliya + Raven

 3 hr sketch in the sketchbook

… then, 9 hrs into a new figure study (taken with awesome blackberry phone)…

oil on canvas, 20x10

(...16 hrs)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

some plen air art on view in Rye, NY, September 21st into October

I am looking forward to participating in a lil silent autction up in Rye, NY with the Rye Arts Center this fall.

I'll have the above alla prima piece I made earlier this year in Maine, up for auction in their gallery, as well as painting a another piece on location, for the auction, the day of the auction - October 3rd. If you are in the Rye area, check out the painters around the town! Thanks for the invite, Rye Arts Center & Jim Langley! Here's more information: