Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Jamal figure study; new work in progress

detail of 'Jamal', my first time using charcoal since... high school, I think.

...then onto a color pass, here's a detail of the portrait in progress, oil over the charcoal on panel.

…more progress down the torso, trying to keep my "shadows warm, transitions neutral (cooling?), local colors chromatic (warmish?), and high-lights cool", in accordance with the laws of the "flesh-ball", pictured below (a new concept introduced to me by Colleen Barry) : 

... and wrapping up - the full figure,  before the final touches:

Monday, October 12, 2015

promo art for sensory steps…

(a long over-due re-vise of an illustration for a friend's dance program…  )

Thursday, October 8, 2015

october developments...

 Rye Nature Preserve Ruins, 2 hr oil sketch

(work in progress) Angel Study, oil